Find an Easier Way to Check Blood Sugar so Diabetes Doesn’t Slow You Down

Find an Easier Way to Check Blood Sugar so Diabetes Doesn’t Slow You Down

Discreet, On-The-Go, All-In-One Glucose Checks
Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose at Home: Why, When, and How Leiendo Find an Easier Way to Check Blood Sugar so Diabetes Doesn’t Slow You Down 6 minutos Siguiente Guide to Different Types of Lancets for Diabetes

One of the most important aspects of managing your diabetes is checking your blood sugar regularly. Keeping track of changes gives you and your healthcare provider important insight into how well your treatment plan is working and whether any adjustments are necessary. And perhaps more importantly, checking your blood sugar regularly can help you respond quickly to blood sugar changes due to diet and exercise to prevent complications and support better health. But it can be hard to check as often as you should, especially if you have to check multiple times a day. Finding an easier way to check your blood sugar can help you stay on course.

Common Obstacles to Checking Blood Sugar—and How to Overcome Them

Finding an easier way to check blood sugar means something different for each person. Whether you need a less painful way to obtain a blood sample or a more discreet way to test, taking a closer look at common obstacles to routine blood glucose monitoring can help you find a solution:


One of the biggest obstacles to checking blood sugar is the pain associated with finger prick tests. While some people opt for continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) to minimize finger prick tests, there are ways to make testing more comfortable if you’re using a blood glucose monitor. The following are some of the best strategies for minimizing pain:

  • Test the sides of your fingertips. The sides have fewer nerve endings, so they’re typically less sensitive than your finger pads.
  • Choose the finger that works for you. Some people find that alternating fingertips is more comfortable, while others find that one finger is less sensitive than the others and prefer to use that finger repeatedly.
  • Don’t reuse lancets. Lancets become dull with use, and using a dull one can hurt.

If none of these options help, consider talking to your healthcare provider about different types of lancets or testing sites that may be more comfortable for you.

Time Constraints

When life gets busy, it can be difficult to make the time for blood sugar checks, especially if you have to find a private place to test. Switching to an automatic blood glucose monitor, such as the POGO Automatic® Monitor, can make staying on track easier.

POGO Automatic is the first FDA-cleared automatic blood glucose monitoring system with 10-test cartridge technology. Test strips and lancets are built into these innovative cartridges, ending the need to carry separate lancets and separate test strips. To check your blood sugar, simply press the power button, put your finger on the test port, and POGO Automatic does the work of lancing and blood collection for you. The process is discreet and simple and can take seconds, so it’s easy to fit into your day.


Another common obstacle is forgetting to check your blood sugar. Using your phone or a blood glucose monitoring app, such as the Patterns® for POGO Automatic app, to set reminders is a great way to remind yourself to check your glucose.

Keeping Track of Supplies

Traditional blood glucose meters require the use of separate test strips and lancets. To stay on top of your routine, you have to keep track of multiple components, remember to bring them with you for on-the-go testing, and perform a sequence of steps to test every time. Unfortunately, that leaves a lot of room for error.

POGO Automatic gives you an easier way to check your blood sugar—you don’t have to keep track of separate test strips and lancets. Since each 10-test cartridge integrates the test strips and lancets, there’s just one thing to carry, and there’s less to keep track of.


Being anxious about checking your blood sugar can easily deter you from keeping up with regular testing. Whether you have finger prick anxiety, are anxious about seeing your results, or worry about finding a private area to test when you’re away from home, the following tips can help you cope:

  • Get support. Talk to your healthcare provider, join a peer support group, or find a counselor with experience helping people with diabetes. With their guidance and support, you can explore techniques for overcoming your anxiety.
  • Try a discreet monitor. Some monitors, like POGO Automatic, give you the freedom to check your blood sugar anywhere you choose without everyone noticing.
  • Minimize sample size. If you’re anxious about the sight of blood, choosing a monitor that requires a very small sample size may help. POGO Automatic requires only 0.25µL of blood.
  • Keep checking. Regularly checking your blood sugar helps you understand how your levels fluctuate throughout the day and can keep you from worrying about normal changes.

Always talk to your healthcare provider if your anxiety is affecting your ability to adhere to your diabetes management plan. They can make adjustments, provide recommendations, and offer the support you need to participate in treatment.

Discover an Easier Way to Check Your Blood Sugar

Finding an easier way to check your blood sugar starts with identifying what “easier” means for you. When you understand your challenges, you can discover meaningful solutions that help you stay on track. And you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out to your healthcare provider and other trusted allies. Together, you can explore tools and strategies that make routine blood glucose monitoring easier than ever before.


Ready to Have Freedom at Your Fingertip?

POGO Automatic is the only FDA-cleared blood glucose monitor that lances and collects blood automatically, in one simple step, with its 10-test cartridge technology, eliminating the need to carry separate lancets and test strips. Reach out today to learn more about how you can check your blood glucose without interrupting your day.

 Robert Miller, customer experience specialist

Robert Miller

Robert Miller is a customer experience specialist committed to helping people navigate the world of diabetes. He focuses on finding innovative tools and strategies that make diabetes management easier to support long-term wellness.


All content on this website is for educational purposes only and does not replace the guidance of your healthcare practitioner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.